Stroganina from red deer. Cooking game meat and game without heat treatment in the field and at home


After long disputes and conversations in high offices, they decided: there will be gastronomic tourism in the Khabarovsk Territory! As expected in such cases, officials have developed an action plan, identified cafes and restaurants in Khabarovsk that can treat tourists national cuisine, have developed tourist routes to places where it is impossible to stay hungry. But the meaning of the term "Far Eastern culinary brand" hung in the air. What exactly can be considered with us original dish, inherent only in the Far East?

To solve this problem at least a little, the film crew of Channel 5 (St. Petersburg), represented by journalist Danil Gorchakov and cameraman Alexei Sakhno, decided to go to the Berloga restaurant in the suburbs of Khabarovsk. And as experts they called me and the famous travel blogger Dmitry Kulikov.

The Berloga restaurant was chosen for only one reason: its menu includes a lot of dishes from Far Eastern herbs, wild plants and local game. Dmitry Kulikov not so long ago on his page in social network also raised the topic of the Far Eastern culinary brand, so he also had something interesting to tell journalists.

In general, what can be called Far Eastern cuisine? Probably, this is, first of all, what is in the constant diet of the inhabitants of the Russian Far East. What is in our diet? Fish, seafood, taiga wild plants. This is what we need to proceed from when defining a Far Eastern culinary brand.

But at the same time, the dishes that are prepared from fish, seafood and taiga wild plants have long included the peculiarities of the cuisines of different peoples of the world. Do not forget that the Far Eastern land is inhabited by people from both the West (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars) and the East (Koreans, Chinese).

Plus, indigenous peoples also live here, who also contributed to the local cuisine. So it turns out that it is not easy to find a middle ground in defining a single Far Eastern culinary brand ...

But I still made a conclusion for myself and I think that as an option, you can offer a salad as such a brand, which is on the menu of almost all cafes and restaurants in the Far East. This is the Amur salad! Routing This salad was developed in one of the Khabarovsk restaurants back in the 50s. The salad was named in honor of Cupid Father, who every autumn pampers us not only with picturesque landscapes and sunsets, but also with a red fish: this salad is impossible without red fish. Also for this salad you need tomatoes, onions, herbs, black pepper and olive oil... Sometimes they also add green pea.

In the Berloga restaurant (where a salad costs 270 rubles), these ingredients are added to the top with another Far Eastern attribute - red caviar, which did not spoil the taste of the salad at all.

In the Far East, stroganina is also very much appreciated. It is also on the menu of the Berloga restaurant: we ordered red deer stroganin (150 grams - 330 rubles). Four things are needed to prepare planed meat: properly prepared meat, a good sharp knife, a strong experienced hand and a head that guides the process, while observing the necessary rules. The planer is cut into small portions in order to avoid premature defrosting.

For taste, stroganin is dipped in "makanina" - salt mixed with ground black pepper in a 1: 1 ratio. In the restaurant "Berloga" "makanina" was present on the table.

Red deer meat was also included in the ingredients of the Forest Edge salad (170 grams - 270 rubles). The salad also included cucumbers and paprika. Red deer meat has high taste qualities, at the same time, in comparison with the red deer, the red deer meat is somewhat more tender.

But when preparing jellied meat in the Berloga restaurant (150 grams - 310 rubles), they immediately use the meat of red deer, elk and roe. While eating the brought jellied meat, Alexey Sakhno and I had a dispute. I asked to bring Russian mustard to the jellied meat, and Aleksey believes that mustard discourages the taste of real jellied meat.

Danil Gorchakov tried us on, who for the first time (!!!) in his life tried jellied meat and was very pleased!

Another ingredient, without which the Far Eastern cuisine cannot be imagined, is fern. At all times we have salted it, fried it, boiled it: fern is very tasty and healthy. From the fern, we ordered the Taezhny salad (170 grams - 320 rubles) with red deer meat, mushrooms and garlic. The salad turned out to be very unusual in taste.

Of the red deer, we decided to try the cutlets, which were served in the restaurant with lingonberry sauce(2 cutlets and fried potato wedges - 370 rubles). The taste is excellent, but the cutlets seemed tough to me: maybe you need to add more onions to the minced meat?

But the pike cutlets with mashed potatoes were perfect (2 cutlets with mashed potatoes - 250 rubles).

We could not deny ourselves the pleasure of trying red deer dumplings (250 grams - 350 rubles). Everything about them is good, but there were few of them: our company famously dealt with them in less than one minute!

Quite unusual on the Far Eastern table this evening looked thin Armenian lavash(55 rubles). But the Armenians have also been living in the Far East for a long time, so why shouldn't their lavash also claim the title of “Far Eastern culinary brand”?

The total bill for our Far Eastern dinner with drinks was 4200 rubles. The main thing is that we enjoyed the food and came very close to unraveling the Far Eastern culinary brand ...

Elk stew, Chukchi dumplings, roast elk or chamois, roast red deer, stroganin, roe deer in the oven


Izubrina - roast
A piece of red deer weighing two kilograms to wash, clean from the upper films and windy places, pour two liters of kvass for two or three days, turning twice a day, then remove, wipe dry, fry in 3 tbsp. spoons butter over high heat in a frying pan, then place in the oven over moderate heat, pour over the flowing juice, fry for about two hours.

Red deer meat, which has a special pleasant smell and taste, has never been seasoned with spices and fried in its own fat, without the use of lard.

Braised elk
After the meat is soaked in the marinade, put it in a saucepan with hot water, salt and cook until tender. Then place it in a roasting pan along with whole potatoes, finely chopped onions, spices. Pour all this with the broth in which the meat was cooked, and simmer covered for two hours.

Roast elk in the old way
Beat off a piece of elk meat, put in a doused pot, pour vinegar, boil with salt and spices, put in a cold place for two days, turning daily. Then take out the meat, roll it in pepper, crushed cloves, cut small holes with a knife, put bacon in them, fry lightly in a hot oven, pour over with drained juice, transfer to a saucepan, pour 1.5 cups of vinegar, 0.5 cups of wine, cover cover tightly and simmer over low heat until tender.

After soaking in the marinade, freeze a good piece elk, cut it across the fibers with thin shavings, put on a piece of bread, season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with fine garlic and eat with hot tea. The result is a Ural-style breakfast.

In Chukchi, you can cook stroganin in the same manner from venison. It is good to eat it with adjika. You don't have to drink tea, it is good with vodka.

Chukchi dumplings
Meat - 300 g venison, 250 g pork and 150 g beef - mince twice, add 3-4 tablespoons of water, add chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste. It is important that the minced meat is not dry.

The formed dumplings can be put in a canvas bag and stored for the time being in the frost.

Serve butter, sour cream, vinegar with dumplings. Fans pour dumplings with ketchup, wash them down with milk, eat bread. These dumplings with mayonnaise and crushed garlic are good.

Hunting sujuk
To prepare it, use 2 parts pork, 2 parts meat of "red" forest game and 1 part solid fat. Chop the meat and lard into small pieces with a large kitchen knife. For each kilogram of the mixture, add 25 g of salt, 2 g of black pepper, 2 g of saltpeter, 5 g of sugar and 2 g of red pepper. Knead the mixture well and stand for 8-10 hours. Then stuff not very tightly into the small pork intestines, twisting them to get small sausages of the same length. Place the sujuk on the table and press it down with a board with a small load for two days. Dry them for 5-6 days in a ventilated place, then smoke. Serve raw or cooked.

Roe deer in the oven
Boil for half an hour in 2 bottles of dry red wine spices: 3 cloves, 6 bay leaves, I tbsp. a spoonful of curry, rosemary, thyme, nutmeg, filter and put in it, marinate the roe deer carcass for 10 days, its back, turning it twice a day. After this period, remove the meat from the marinade, stuff with lard across the fibers, put on a baking sheet, pre-grease it with 100 g of butter, place in an oven with a high temperature for an hour, often pouring marinade.

Serve very hot. Separately prepare a mixture of hot peppers, boiled with a little cinnamon.

Roast moose or chamois
Knock out a piece of elk or chamois, put in a doused pot, pour over the cooled vinegar, boiled with salt and spices: finely chopped celery, parsley, carrots, onions, a handful of pepper, a handful bay leaf, a little nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon and garlic, who like, so that the meat is covered. Place in a cool place, turning over every day.
Then take out the meat, chop the bacon, roll it in ground black pepper, cloves and marjoram, cut small holes in the meat with a knife, put the bacon in them. Cover the whole piece with slices of bacon, fry slightly in a hot oven, transfer to a saucepan, pour over the juice that has drained from it, first removing the fat from it, pour in 1.5 cups of vinegar, 0.5 cups of Madeira, put three cubes of dry broth, cover tightly , simmer over low heat until soft.
When ready, put on a dish, cool, cover with the sauce in which the roast was stewed; in this case, this sauce must be boiled well and knocked down in a mixer to thicken.

Roast chamois, elk or wild boar fillet

Boil five glasses of vinegar with spices, as in the previous recipe, cool, pour it over the well-beaten and bacon stuffed with chamois or elk fillet for several hours. Then take it out, squeeze it, fry it on a spit until half cooked. Fold in a saucepan, cover the bottom of which with thin slices of bacon, a spoonful of butter; put 2 onions, slices of lemon without grains, pieces of 5 cloves, roots, 3-4 cubes of dry broth and, if desired, greens: tarragon, parsley, green onions, watercress. When browned, pour in a little 0.5 cups of red wine, a spoonful of vinegar, two cups of broth or water, each time closing tightly with a lid, and simmer until soft. Serving, pour over the strained sauce, into which you can add 3 pieces of truffles or half a spoonful of soy.

Cabbage is also served with such a roast, seasoned as follows: dissolve 2 tbsp in a saucepan. tablespoons of butter, put finely chopped, salted and squeezed head of red cabbage, a couple of lumps of sugar, 4-5 cloves, a cube of dry broth, cover, fry, stirring, so as not to burn. When the cabbage is soft, pour in 0.5 cups of table wine, boil two more times, overlay the roast.


I'll make a reservation right away. The text that you are about to read is not intended for opponents of a meat diet, vegetarians, and not for opponents of hunting. Please take this into account before reading.

You can hardly surprise a seasoned hunter with elk meat, elk meat, this hunting delicacy. Fried and stewed liver, cutlets, rich broth from brisket chopped into small pieces - these are the main dishes of elk meat, which those who have been on elk hunts probably know. They are usually prepared from fresh meat- got it in the morning and ate it in the evening. In addition to these simple dishes, many more have been invented. For example, boiled tongue, lip (admittedly, a connoisseur of elk and elk hunting, Yuri Porfiryevich Yazan, said that the gastronomic merits of an elk lip are greatly exaggerated), jellied meat from a leg with a hoof. A boiled hoof is a special topic.

In the mid-50s of the last century, in the area of ​​the Pechora-Ilychsky Reserve, whose director was then Georgy Georgievich Shubin, regular and massive migrations of elks to wintering sites from Komi to Perm region, from north to south, were observed. A moose fishing farm was organized on the territory adjacent to the reserve. On the migration routes across the moose course, hedges with top-type traps were built. If you enter, you will not leave. There the animals were shot. At the beginning of winter, 120-150 elk were hunted annually. During the existence of the farm, about one and a half thousand were mined. The meat was sold to the shops in the area.

These were the years and days of meat prosperity. There was plenty of meat in the lose industry. Home, however, was not allowed to take, but at the base in the hut it was possible to eat to waste. One story is connected with these, which the head of the moose farm Mikhail Veniaminovich Kozhukhov told me.

It was like this. Once an employee of the district committee came to the village of the reserve from the regional center of Troitsko-Pechorsk. Either the instructor, or the secretary - I don't remember. We showed him a moose farm, domestic moose and decided to take him to the base of a moose fishing farm. We harnessed a harness moose into the bag and in half an hour were in place. Kozhukhov himself took him. We went into the hut where the hunters lived. There is no one there, there is a huge pot of brew on the stove, the kettle is humming.

Before they had time to undress, the first hunter bursts in. He throws off his clothes and immediately - to the pan. Apparently, he got hungry during the working day. Pulls out of the pan ... a moose hoof (!), Begins to pick it out with a knife and suck out the contents. Moreover, it is clear that for him, as they say now, a complete thrill. The district committee worker has balloons on his forehead. He asks Kozhukhov in a whisper: “Tell me, Mikhail Veniaminovich, why are you not allowed to eat meat here? At all?" He laughs: “No! It's just that boiled hoof is the best of all the treats! Try it - you will understand! And if about meat, then, you see, a meat grinder is screwed to the table. This is to twist the meat and fry the cutlets. The men here arrange real competitions - who will eat more cutlets! "

Here's a story. True, when I lived on Pechora, there were no such feasts and meat grinders, and there was no lose-fishing farm either.

During the years of my life in the Upper Pechora, I had to hunt moose a lot. Moreover, the main shooting, the preparation of elk meat, began shortly before the end of the hunt, after the new year, when the frosts seem to soften, and the day will lengthen at least a little. For three or four weeks, our brigade hunted up to fifteen animals. The meat was not taken out for a long time, so as not to waste time for hunting, and it lay for a month in the taiga. Then, by the end of the hunt, the elk meat was taken out and divided. Thus, only frozen elk meat was eaten.

In addition to the dishes that I have listed above, stroganina, frozen meat cut into the finest petals and immediately eaten, enjoyed particular success with us. There are several recipes for its preparation, although not everyone knows how to do it.

Method one, the most primitive, moose meat slicing is simple.

We take a well-frozen, decent-sized piece of "fillet", for example, from the hind leg, and we cut with a sharply sharpened hunting knife on the thinnest, translucent petals. It must be said that it is difficult for a planer to cut correctly with a thin, bending kitchen knife. The knife should be exactly hunting. Each petal of meat, after dipping it in a mixture of salt and black ground pepper, can be sent directly into your mouth with your fingers. And no forks! Stroganin is eaten only with fingers!

Elk stroganin can be consumed quite a lot without any harm to the body. On the contrary, even a single meal of raw moose meat gives a real burst of energy.

The second method is slicing from the tenderloin, stuffed.

This dish must already be prepared on purpose. We take the thawed tenderloin - the long muscles on the lower side of the ridge on both sides closer to the pelvic region - and, having cleaned it from films and cuts, put it lengthwise on a long planed board. Then we stuff this "sausage" with finely chopped pieces of garlic and lard, sprinkle with salt, as they say, to taste (you can grate it a little) and, after holding it at home a little to soak it, put it out in the cold.

When the guests gather, you can serve. The ice cream tenderloin is again planed into thin round petals, which should shine through and look like rose petals. The appetizer turns out to be unsurpassed. Just don't let it melt.

And, finally, the third method - Shubin-style stroganin!

As you understand, it was Georgy Georgievich Shubin who invented this dish, in the 50s of the last century, as I wrote above, the director of the Pechora-Ilychsky Reserve, a hunting expert by education, and during the Patriotic War, a legendary scout during the Patriotic War.

Shubin-style Stroganina is prepared like this. The first step is to set up a pile of elk, and as much as your guests are supposed to be able to eat. It's okay that she melt. You have got a decent slide of melted elk. Don't be embarrassed, and in the meantime, heat a large cast iron skillet on the stove. It is on the stove, and not on electric or gas, because a large heating area is needed. As a last resort, you can use a wide hotplate on an electric stove. When the pan gets hot, grease it with a piece of butter, dump the cooked sliced ​​bread on it and immediately pour it all with good fat country milk. Well, of course, you need to season with salt and pepper a little. The milk boils and evaporates, while the sliced ​​milk gradually turns brown. It is not necessary to interfere with it, only at the very end. When the milk has boiled away, and the fragrant spirit of roast leaves from the sliced, the pan must be removed, because the overcooked or even slightly burnt sliced ​​slices will lose their taste.

Hunting kitchen
8th page

If you don't have any game now, use meat from domestic animals with success.
And the result will exceed all expectations!

Small and large game dishes

Elk is a large animal from the genus of deer. Elk height - up to 2 m, weight - 400-500 kg. Males wear wide horns from July to February, which are then shed annually. The age of animals can be determined by the number of shoots on the horns: how many shoots on average fall on one horn - how many years are elk. This pattern persists up to 5-7 years. In old elk, the number of shoots is less than the number of years lived.
Old moose can be identified by worn-out teeth. Elk is a popular object of sport hunting and fishing. They shoot him strictly under licenses.
The most delicious meat is in moose, aged 1.5-3 years. The meat of old elk is tough and fibrous. The meat of females is more tender than that of males. The same dishes are prepared from elk meat as from beef. It is recommended to marinate it before cooking.
In the northern regions, wild reindeer live, which is somewhat larger in size than the northern domestic one. The mass of wild reindeer reaches 150-200 kg. Unlike other species of deer, males and females have branched horns.
Reindeer is an object of intensive fishing, the annual catch exceeds 100 thousand heads. In terms of protein content, deer meat is close to beef, but surpasses it in calorie content and vitamin content. The tongue is very much appreciated for its taste.
The red deer is a small inhabitant of forests. It is larger than a reindeer, weighing about 300 kg. Female red deer are hornless. The meat is tasty, high quality, but harsh in older animals. Sports hunting is strictly licensed.
The most valuable parts of the head are the tongue and lips. Remove the tongue by cutting the submandibular space along the edge of the bone of the lower jaw, then clean it from scraps of tissue, scald for 3-5 minutes in hot water and remove the epidermis (skin). Then cook for 3-4 hours until tender in salted water. The tongue can be preserved without boiling, salting it in a mixed way, like meat, or smoking it.
The upper and lower lips of the moose are considered to be one of the most delicious foods. Cut off the lips with an ax across the muzzle, stepping back from the nostrils towards the eyes by 5-6 cm, or cut off with a knife. Scorched and washed lips boil, as well as tongue.
The legs are cut across with an ax into pieces of 8-10 cm long and used for cooking the jelly.


Ingredients :
For 800 g of liver: 200 g of butter, 2 onions.


This is such a dish, the taste of which depends on correct preparation... Some say that fried liver is extremely tender and tasty, others do not find anything special in it, and still others simply scold for inability to cook.
The liver should be fried in a well-heated skillet, always in butter. Cut the liver into slices, no thicker than 1.5 cm, salt on both sides and place tightly in the pan, piece by piece. Fry one side until the piece is 2/3 thick. Then turn the pieces over and fry on the other side, but already with chopped onion slices.
Serve the liver directly from the pan, without a side dish, but with onions fried in the same pan. TO fried liver mustard is very good.
You can cook the liver differently. Soak in cold water for an hour, remove the film, cut into pieces, salt, roll in flour and fry in ghee or other fat.
Serve with buckwheat porridge or potatoes.


Ingredients :
Frozen meat, salt.


For this uncomplicated dish, any fat-free meat and liver is suitable, but strongly frozen for 2-3 days. It is especially popular with Siberian hunters and all northern peoples.
The cooking method is extremely simple. Take a piece of frozen meat or liver and cut thin slices from it with a sharpened knife. Immediately take them by hand (it is less convenient with a fork), dip them in salt - and the dish is ready for use.
In those cases when you need to quickly re-energize, it is unmatched, since raw meat is very easily steamed. Fast, tasty and nutritious.


Ingredients :
For 1 kg of sternum: 2 liters of water, 2-3 potatoes, 1 onion, 1-2 bay leaves, 10-15 black peppercorns, salt to taste.


Made from chopped brisket small pieces... The meat should be about half a pan, only then the food will be rich and tasty. Cook the meat over medium heat until almost cooked.
Add salt, pepper, bay leaf, onion (to taste) immediately, before boiling. Then add two or three chopped potatoes, and after 10-15 minutes the chowder is ready.
It is better to eat it right away: from the fire it tastes especially good.

Boiled Elk

Ingredients :
Meat with bones, 1 onion and 1 carrot each.


Less meaty parts of the carcass - ribs, sternum, neck and part of the shoulder blades - not used for roasts, boil, putting onion and carrots in a saucepan.
Serve with any side dish.


Ingredients :
Moose lips, 50 g butter, 2-3 bay leaves, 10-15 black peppercorns, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 parsley and celery root each, salt to taste.


This dish is excellent to taste. It is not easy to prepare it. It is very important to successfully salt and boil in moderation so that it is not hard and not very soft.
First, the lip should be carefully singed and rinsed - this laborious work, frankly speaking, does not give pleasure. It is necessary to remove all hairs and singe them to smooth skin so that they are invisible and not felt when eating. Then place the lips (upper - massive and small - lower) whole in a saucepan, salt, add 2-3 bay leaves (no more - the natural smell is destroyed), pepper and other spices (to taste) and cook for 2-2.5 hours over medium heat.
Then cool the lip slightly and cut into small oblong pieces, which are put into a preheated and greased frypot and fry until golden brown. Serve to the table without a side dish, right in the brazier. Spoon - another lingonberry will emphasize the sophistication of the dish and its outstanding taste.
They cook the lip and torment it in the Russian oven.


Ingredients :
Moose lips, 2 bay leaves, 10-15 black peppercorns, 1 onion, 1 carrot, salt to taste.


Cut the fleshy parts of the upper and lower lips whole, singe, wash and cook in salted water until soft. For seasoning, put a bay leaf, a few peppercorns, an onion and carrots.
Serve the boiled lip to the table hot or cold, cut into thin slices.
Garnish - mashed potatoes, green peas, horseradish. This dish is considered a rare delicacy.


Ingredients :
For 500 g lip of dgossa: 2-3 onions, 50 g of fat, 150 ml of mayonnaise (mixed), lemon or 100 g of citric acid, 1/2 cup of cranberry juice, salt.


Singe lip, rinse, cut into portions and pour over the marinade for 12 hours. For the marinade, add lrmon juice ( citric acid or vinegar), salt and pepper, put bay leaves and onions, cut into half rings. After that, the lip is boiled in the marinade for 2 hours.
When it is cooked, remove the pieces from the marinade, let it drain and fry in a frying pan preheated with fat along with onions... Then put in a saucepan and pour with a mixture of mayonnaise or sour cream with tomato, pour in a little broth (to cover the pieces of the lip) and simmer for another 2 hours with the lid closed.
An hour before being ready, add cranberry juice, sugar, Apple vinegar, Bay leaf.


Ingredients :
For 1 language: 3 liters of water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1 bay leaf, 1 onion, 10-15 black peppercorns.


The first way
Place a well-cleaned and washed tongue in a saucepan or kettle and cook steeply salted for 2-3 hours. At the same time, you can add bay leaves, peppers, onions, or you can do without them - as you like.
Serve boiled tongue on the table directly from the heat, then it literally melts in your mouth, especially those parts of it that are closer to the base - they are more fat and tender. Horseradish or mustard are good with boiled tongue.
Second way
Put the tongue in a saucepan, add spices (1-2 bay leaves, 5-6 peppercorns), chopped onions, carrots, salt, pour all this with water and cook for 3-4 hours until tender. Remove the skin from the hot tongue and cut it into thin slices. It can be served both cold and hot. Garnish - mashed potatoes, green peas, horseradish.


Ingredients :
For 700 g of meat: 400 ml of marinade, 100 g of spinach, 50 g of lard, 200 g of hot sauce or 150 g of jam.
For the marinade: 1/2 liter of water, 1/2 liter of vinegar, 1 carrot, 2-3 parsley roots, a slice of celery, 10-15 black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt.


Prepare the marinade: boil water, add coarsely chopped vegetables, pepper, bay leaf, cook for 5-10 minutes, pour in vinegar, salt and remove from heat.
Cool and drain.
Large pieces marinated meat, stuff with lard and fry in the oven.
Cut the finished meat into slices 1-2 per serving, add meat juice and serve with fried potatoes, boiled beans, pickled grapes, plums or red cabbage salad.
You can and spicy sauce, lingonberry or blackcurrant jam.


Ingredients :
For 1 kg of moose meat: 200 g of fatty pork, 1 potato, 300 g white bread 1/2 cup milk, 1 egg, 1 onion, black pepper and salt to taste.


The taste of cutlets depends on the quality of the meat and the ingredients of the minced meat. It is imperative to add 10-20% lard or fatty pork to elk meat and raw potatoes, which will absorb fat and give the cutlets splendor, white bread soaked in milk, onions, salt and black pepper. Pour a little warm broth or boiled water into the minced meat for juiciness. Can add a raw egg for viscosity, but the appearance and taste of cutlets from this deteriorate.
Before frying, cutlets should be rolled in crushed breadcrumbs. Even better, without adding the egg to the minced meat, roll the cutlet abundantly, first in a lezon (loose egg), and then in breadcrumbs.
Fry the cutlets for about 15-20 minutes.
For garnish - fried, boiled potatoes and pickles (cucumbers, green tomatoes, cabbage).


Ingredients :
For 1-2 kg of meat: 200 g of lard, 100 g of butter, head of garlic, pepper, salt.


For such a dish, it is better to choose meat with bone - it turns out to be juicier and tastier after cooking. A piece of meat can be large, weighing several kilograms, but its thickness should not exceed 15 cm, or even better - 10. Rinse the meat thoroughly, cut off all outer veins and films.
Then with a narrow sharp knife make holes in it, into which you stuff finely chopped garlic and pieces of lard. Do the same on the other side. Rub in salt and pepper, place the prepared piece on a baking sheet with pieces of cooking oil and place it in the oven. Fry for at least 2 hours, while turning the piece of meat several times and pour over the juice that stands out.
Serve whole on a platter.
Good for a side dish whole fried potatoes, greens, lingonberries, sauerkraut, pickle.
Mustard and horseradish are good spices.


Ingredients :
For 1/2 kg of elk or deer meat: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, 100 g of lard, 50 g of fat, 50 g of cranberries, 50 g of tomato puree, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 1 head onions.


Soak elk or venison (in pieces up to 1 kg) in a weak vinegar solution, stuff with lard and garlic, fry in a frying pan preheated with fat on all sides, pre-salt and sprinkle with pepper. Add chopped onions and fry the meat with the onions. Add tomato puree and fry again.
Then transfer the meat to a saucepan, pour over the broth, add the grated cranberries or lemon juice(citric acid can be used), sugar and simmer until tender.


Ingredients :
For 1.5 kg of meat: 100 g of internal moose or fatty pork lard, 1 potato, 1/4 loaf of bread, 1 clove of garlic, 3 onions, pepper, salt.


The quality of the dish depends on the quality of the minced meat, which, in turn, depends on the quality of the meat (calf, elk or old elk) and the ratio of the ingredients. Grinding the meat does not mean that the minced meat is ready. You need to add to it about 10% of the total volume of moose lard or fatty pork, one medium potato (it absorbs fat and gives the cutlets splendor), some bread, one clove of garlic and 2-3 onions (based on 1 kg of minced meat).
It is very important to mix the minced meat well so that all the components are evenly distributed and there are no lumps. Make the hunting cutlets large.
Serve in a skillet. During storage, they very quickly lose their taste.
Potatoes in any form are good for a side dish.

Chopped cutlets

Ingredients :
For 1 kg of meat: 100 g of raw moose fat, 1/4 loaf of white bread, 250 ml of broth (milk, water), 1 tbsp. a spoon bread crumbs, pepper, salt.


Chopped elk cutlets are often very dense when cooked normally. For looser, juicy and delicious cutlets it is advisable to add raw moose fat, lard or butter to 1 kg of pulp. In addition, when making minced meat, 25% of white bread (necessarily stale) and 25-30% of liquid are added to it - meat broth, milk or water.
Fry the cutlets in the usual way (roll in crushed breadcrumbs before frying).


Ingredients :
For 1 kg of elk meat: 100 g of lard, 3 onions, 1 glass of white wine, parsley or green onions, pepper and salt to taste.


This dish of elk loses in comparison with a kebab from fatty lamb. But what to do when there is no lamb! It is quite possible to get by with elk.
For kebabs, cut meat from the sirloin or from any other into small pieces of about 50 g each and put them in white table wine or in a standard marinade for several hours. Then string on skewers, alternating with onions and lard, carefully salt and fry over hot coals (on open fire the meat will burn, but not fry).
An appetizing dish is ready in 10-15 minutes. You can pepper it lightly, sprinkle with parsley or green onions.
Sauerkraut, pickles, lingonberries, and any edible greens are good for garnish.


Ingredients :
For 500 g of meat: 50 g of butter, 500 g of potatoes, pepper, salt.


Finely chopped pieces of meat, salted and lightly pepper, fry in a pan until tender. You can add finely chopped potatoes to the almost finished meat and fry together until tender. Serve the frying on the table in a frying pan. Sauerkraut, pickles and mushrooms, greens are good as a seasoning. Siberian dumplings are good from moose meat (it is better if you add a little fatty pork to the minced meat). You can cook from elk and all those dishes that are prepared from beef and lamb. You just need to know that the meat of a wild animal is always preferable to domestic meat. A wild animal or bird feeds on natural food, they have the opportunity to choose these foods, among which many have a preventive and therapeutic effect, endowing the same properties with the tissues of animals eating these medicinal herbs.


Ingredients :
For 900 g of tenderloin: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ghee, pepper, salt.


In the lumbar region under the spine of elk and other large deer, roe deer, there are two longitudinal, under-working tender muscles belonging to the highest grade of meat called tenderloin or fillet. Free the tenderloin from the tendons (films), cut across the muscle fibers into pieces about 3 cm thick, weighing about 150 g, beat lightly and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
If you are underweight, use the softest muscles from the inner thigh. Then fry in a greased hot skillet for 15 minutes.
For lovers of steak with blood, it is fried for only 8-10 minutes so that bloody juice is preserved in the thickness of the piece.
Serve grated horseradish, green peas, fried potato sticks or other garnish as a side dish.


Ingredients :
For 500 g of elk: 60 g of butter, 20 g of flour, 150 g of sour cream, 2 onions.


This dish can be made from elk tenderloin as well as the meat from the back of the carcass.
Cut the meat across the grain into thin slices (2 cm), beat off, cut into narrow strips, like homemade noodles, and fry for 5-7 minutes in oil.
Separately fry the onion cut into rings in butter, put the meat noodles and fry for another 7 minutes, then remove the meat from the pan, add the dried white flour, sour cream, stir, put the fried meat again, as well as the meat juice from the pan where it was fried meat, and let it boil for another 2-3 minutes.


Ingredients :
For 1 kg of moose meat: 100 g of lard, 0.5 tsp of ground black pepper, 1.5 cups of water, salt.


Other simple moose meat dishes include goulash (meat cut into cubes, fried and then stewed) and beef stroganov (meat cut into thin slices or strips, fried and then slightly boiled).


Ingredients :
For 1 kg of offal: 200 g of meat, 6 glasses of water, 2 bay leaves, a pinch of pine needles, salt and pepper to taste.


Jelly is prepared from a moose head as from ordinary offal. Remove the hooves from the legs, cut the bones with a fine file. Add a little pulp to the bones, preferably cervical.
As a seasoning, put a bay leaf, you can have a pinch of needles. Serve with mustard.


Ingredients :
For 300 g of venison: 400 g of sauerkraut, 2 carrots, 3 onions, 1 cm, a spoonful of tomato puree, 250 g of mushrooms, 50 g of fat, herbs, pepper and salt to taste.


Sort the sauerkraut leaves, rinse and chop finely, add a little water, add fried bones, fat, tomato puree, and simmer for 3-4 hours.
Sauté chopped carrots and onions on bacon. Boil mushrooms and chop.
In the broth where the meat was cooked, put stewed cabbage, mushrooms and boil for another 10-15 minutes. Then add the sautéed vegetables with bacon, cranberries and boil everything again.
Season the cabbage soup with garlic.
First, put a slice of meat, herbs in a plate, then pour the cabbage soup and season with a spoonful of sour cream.


Ingredients :
For 700 g of meat: 400 ml of marinade, 100 g of spinach, 50 g of lard, 200 ml of sauce or 150 g of jam.
For the marinade: 0.5 l of water, 0.5 l of vinegar, 1 carrot, 2-3 parsley roots, a slice of celery, 10-15 black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt to taste.


Prepare the marinade. To do this, boil water, add coarsely chopped vegetables, pepper, bay leaf. Boil for 5-10 minutes, pour in vinegar, salt and remove from heat. Cool and drain.
Stuff large pieces of meat, aged in marinade, with lard and fry in an oven. Cut the finished meat into slices 1-2 per serving, add meat juice and serve with fried potatoes, boiled beans, pickled grapes, plums or red cabbage salad.
Meat can be served with hot sauce, lingonberry jam or blackcurrant jam.


Ingredients :
For 1 kg of tenderloin: 200 g of butter, salt, pepper.


Cut moose, deer in pieces of 250-300 g, clean from films, tendons, wash and level the corners with a knife.
Pieces should be salted and sprinkled with crushed pepper to taste, put on a skewer, skewer or metal ramrod and fry over the coals of a burnt fire, over the coals in the stove, stove, greasing the surface with butter and turning for even frying.
Then remove the meat from the spit and place on a dish.
Serve as a garnish with slices of lemon, green onions and tomatoes cut into rings.


Ingredients :
For 1 kg of meat: 80-100 g vegetable oil, 2-3 onions, 3-4 carrots, 1/2 cup dried apricots or chopped apples, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste or 3-4 ripe tomatoes, 1 cm, a spoonful of flour, salt and spices to taste.


From the pulp, cut into flat pieces weighing 100-150 g, 1-1.5 cm thick. Beat the meat with a wood hammer. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable (preferably olive) oil and fry the pieces of meat in it for 1-2 minutes until a crust forms.
Place the fried meat in a separate bowl.
Fry chopped onions in oil and put prepared pieces of meat on top. Cut carrots into thin strips or grate on a coarse grater and place on top of the meat. Then pour boiling water or hot broth at the rate of 1 glass of liquid per 1 kg of meat and simmer under a lid for 1.5-2 hours. 15-20 minutes before the readiness to salt, put the washed dried apricots, tomato paste, add spices to taste (pepper, bay leaf, crushed nutmeg).
In the absence of dried apricots, you can put finely chopped and peeled apples (preferably Antonovka).
Add a little sautéed flour to thicken the sauce.


Ingredients :
For 1.5-2 kg of meat: 200 g bacon, 50 g butter, 1/2 glass of red wine, 3 truffles, 1/2 cm. spoons of soy paste or boiled soybeans, 2 onions, 1 lemon, 4-5 pcs. cloves, black pepper and herbs, salt.


Knock out a piece of fillet, pour marinade (4-5 cups of vinegar, 6-7 pieces of bay leaves, 30 pieces of black pepper, 30 pieces of juniper berries, 3 onions - boil everything) for 5-6 hours, chop bacon.
Then fry on a skewer until half cooked. Put bacon (50 g), butter (50 g), onion, lemon slices without grains, cloves (root), pepper, tarragon, parsley, watercress in a saucepan, green onions... When browned, gradually pour in red wine, a spoonful of vinegar, 2 cups of broth, simmer until tender.
Pour the sauce with 3 truffles and 1/2 tablespoon of soybean paste or boiled soy on the meat.
Chopped salted head of red cabbage, fried in 2 tablespoons of oil with 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 4-5 cloves buds, 1/2 glass of red table wine. Boil everything and garnish the roast with this side dish.


Ingredients :
For 2 kg of venison: 200 g bacon, 200 g butter, 400 g sour cream, salt to taste.


Peel the meat from the films and put in the marinade for a day, then rinse well in cold water, remove from the bones, stuff with bacon, put on a baking sheet with bones and scraps, salt, pour with oil and put to fry, adding a little water.
Then pour over sour cream and fry until tender (2 kg fry for 1 hour). When the meat is ready, take it out, cut into slices, place on a dish and pour over the sauce.
Sauce: put 50 g of flour in the venison oil, season, dilute with broth, add 1 tbsp. spoon of black currant jam, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, juice from 1/2 lemon, boil and pour over the chopped meat.


Ingredients :
For 1 serving: 200 g of game, 5 g of olive or butter oil, 20 g each of onions and green onions, 75 g of vegetables or fruits. For the marinade: 10 ml of wine vinegar, bay leaf, peppercorns, 1/2 clove of garlic, 1 g of sugar, 2 g of salt.


Peel the pulp from coarse tendons and films, cut into pieces weighing 30-40 g, put in a non-oxidizing dish, pour with marinade and keep in the cold for 10-12 hours.
Before serving, string on skewers and fry on a wire rack or spit for 6-8 minutes, greasing with oil.
Remove the prepared meat from a skewer onto a platter and garnish with chopped onions, tomatoes, cucumbers or pickled fruits.
Serve separately the "South" or "Tkemali" sauce. Add enough flour to absorb all the fat. Pour in wine, stir and bring to a boil.
Put mushrooms and cranberries, salt and pepper, cover and simmer in the oven over low heat for 2-2.5 hours at 150 ° C.
Submit with green salad, cranberries.


Ingredients :
Deer brains, 0.5 kg of porcini mushrooms or champignons, milk sauce (see recipes for sauces in this section), 100 g of cheese, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour.


Cut the boiled brains into 2 pieces per serving, breaded in flour, fry on both sides. Cut boiled champignons or porcini mushrooms into slices.
In a greased portion pan, pour a little milk sauce, put the fried brains and mushrooms, pour over the remaining sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with fat and bake. Serve in the same pan.
Serve green peas, steamed rice, mashed potatoes separately with the dish.


Ingredients :
For 4 servings: 600 g of meat of your choice, 1 onion, a set of aromatic roots, 1 teaspoon of tomato puree, 1/4 cup of milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 1 teaspoon of red pepper, 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt.


Cut the boneless meat into small pieces, salt and boil in boiling water with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. In the remaining fat, sauté chopped aromatic roots and onions until soft, sprinkle with ground red pepper and add tomato puree.
Dissolve the flour in milk and pour in, let it boil and after a few minutes remove from heat.
Submit with pasta or potatoes.


Ingredients :
For 12-15 servings: 1 ham weighing about 3 kg, 500 g of carrots, 1/2 celery root with leaves, 2-3 onions, 1 head of garlic, 1 liter of red wine, 300 ml of vinegar, 2-3 glasses of broth veal, 1 cup sour cream, 150-200 g bacon, 500 g fat for frying, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato puree, 1 tbsp. spoon of lingonberries and blackberries, 1 pine leg, 2 bay leaves, a few grains of cloves, black and allspice (peas), nutmeg, ground cinnamon, savory, salt, parsley.


Peel the ham from subcutaneous fat, films, etc. and, having cut the meat along the length, remove the thigh bone. Wrap the pulp in a cotton cloth dipped in vinegar, beat off with a thick rolling pin and let stand for 1-2 hours.
In an enamel bowl, prepare a marinade of 2 liters of water, 750 ml of red wine, vinegar, 2 carrots, 1/4 celery root, 2 onions with cloves stuck in it, 1 bay leaf, black and allspice, 50 g of salt, some grated lemon zest and grated nutmeg.
Bring the marinade to a boil, close the dish with a lid, cook over low heat for about 15 minutes and cool.
Put the ham (without cloth) in the chilled marinade, put the oppression (plate) on top and keep in the cold for 48 hours.
Dry the marinated ham and stuff thickly with thin slices of bacon on the outside. Insert a thicker piece of bacon into the cavity formed after the removal of the thigh bone, roll it in a mixture of salt, black pepper and savory. Then tie the meat with twine and fry on all sides in a bowl with heated fat.
Pour the fried ham with broth and boil along with lingonberries and blackberries, ground aromatic roots and strained marinade products. Cover the dish with a lid and put on moderate heat. After an hour, pour the remaining wine, strained marinade over the meat and simmer in a sealed container for another hour.
Remove the finished ham, cool at room temperature, free from twine and cut into slices.
Put a pine foot wrapped in gauze in the strained juice. When the juice boils, remove the foot. Add tomato puree, lemon juice, sugar and salt to taste. Boil the resulting sauce, remove from heat, season with sour cream and pour into a gravy boat.
Serve fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, stewed red cabbage seasoned with wine and caraway seeds, mushrooms stewed in butter, apricot salad, orange slices, pickles and salad of your choice.

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Less meaty parts of the carcass - ribs, sternum, neck and part of the shoulder blades - not used for roasts, boil, putting onion and carrots in a saucepan. Serve with any side dish.


This time Serge Markovich offers us Russian dish with an Italian accent - "Spaghetti with moose"... The secret of the recipe will be revealed here and now!



  • Frozen meat;
  • salt.


For this uncomplicated dish, any fat-free meat and liver is suitable, but strongly frozen for 2-3 days... It is especially popular with Siberian hunters and all northern peoples. The cooking method is extremely simple. Take a piece of frozen meat or liver and cut thin slices from it with a sharpened knife. Immediately take them by hand (it is less convenient with a fork), dip them in salt - and the dish is ready for use. In those cases when you need to quickly re-energize, it is unmatched, since raw meat is very easily steamed. Fast, tasty and nutritious.


"Elk balls in tomato sauce» - the name of this dish already makes you salivate, I am already silent about the video where Master Chef Serge Markovich demonstrates the skill of cooking.



For 1 kg of sternum:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • 10-15 peas of black pepper;
  • salt to taste.


It is prepared from the sternum, chopped into small pieces. The meat should be about half a pan, only then the food will be rich and tasty. Cook the meat over medium heat until almost cooked. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf, onion (to taste) immediately, before boiling. Then add two or three chopped potatoes, and after 10-15 minutes the soup is ready. It is better to eat it right away: from the fire it tastes especially good.



  • Moose lips;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • 10-15 peas of black pepper;
  • 1 onion head;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 parsley and celery root;
  • salt to taste.


This dish is excellent to taste. It is not easy to prepare it. It is very important to successfully salt and boil in moderation so that it is not hard and not very soft. First, the lip should be carefully singed and rinsed - this laborious work, frankly speaking, does not give pleasure. It is necessary to remove all hairs and singe them to smooth skin so that they are invisible and not felt when eating. Then put the lips (upper - massive and small - lower) whole in a saucepan, salt, add 2-3 bay leaves(no longer follows - the natural smell is destroyed), pepper and other spices (to taste) and cook 2-2.5 hours over medium heat. Then cool the lip slightly and cut into small oblong pieces, which are put into a preheated and greased frypot and fry until golden brown. Serve to the table without a side dish, right in the brazier. Spoon - another lingonberry will emphasize the sophistication of the dish and its outstanding taste. They cook the lip and torment it in the Russian oven.



1 language:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 onion head;
  • 10-15 peas of black pepper.


The first way

Place a well-cleaned and washed tongue in a saucepan or pot and cook coolly salted 2-3 hours. At the same time, you can add bay leaves, peppers, onions, or you can do without them - as you like. Serve boiled tongue on the table directly from the heat, then it literally melts in your mouth, especially those parts of it that are closer to the base - they are more fat and tender. Horseradish or mustard are good with boiled tongue.

Second way

Put your tongue in a saucepan, add spices (1-2 bay leaves, 5-6 peppercorns), chopped onions, carrots, salt, pour all this with water and cook 3-4 hours until ready. Remove the skin from the hot tongue and cut it into thin slices. It can be served both cold and hot.

Garnish- mashed potatoes, green peas, horseradish.



For 1-2 kg of meat:

  • 200 g lard;
  • 100 g butter;
  • head of garlic, pepper, salt.


For such a dish, it is better to choose meat with bone - it turns out to be juicier and tastier after cooking. A piece of meat can be large, weighing several kilograms, but its thickness should not exceed 15 cm, or even better - 10 ... Rinse the meat thoroughly, cut off all outer veins and films. Then with a narrow sharp knife make holes in it, into which you stuff finely chopped garlic and pieces of lard. Do the same on the other side. Rub in salt and pepper, place the prepared piece on a baking sheet with pieces of cooking oil and place it in the oven. Fry at least 2 hours, while turning the piece of meat several times and pour over the juice that stands out. Serve whole on a platter. For garnish whole fried potatoes, greens, lingonberries, sauerkraut, pickled cucumber are good. Mustard and horseradish are good spices.

Chopped cutlets


For 1 kg of meat:

  • 100 g raw moose fat;
  • 1/4 loaf of white bread;
  • 250 ml of broth (milk, water);
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bread crumbs;
  • pepper, salt.


Chopped elk cutlets are often very dense when cooked normally. To obtain looser, juicy and tasty cutlets, it is advisable to use 1 kg add raw moose fat, lard or butter to the pulp. In addition, when making minced meat, they add 25% white bread(necessarily callous) and 25-30% liquid- meat broth, milk or water. Fry the cutlets in the usual way (roll in crushed breadcrumbs before frying).



For 500 g of meat:

  • 50 g butter;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • pepper, salt.


Finely chopped pieces of meat, salted and lightly pepper, fry in a pan until tender. You can add finely chopped potatoes to the almost finished meat and fry together until tender. Serve the frying on the table in a frying pan. Good as a seasoning sauerkraut, pickles and mushrooms, greens. Siberian dumplings are good from moose meat (it is better if you add a little fatty pork to the minced meat). You can cook from elk and all those dishes that are prepared from beef and lamb. You just need to know that the meat of a wild animal is always preferable to domestic meat. A wild animal or bird feeds on natural food, they have the opportunity to choose these foods, among which many have a preventive and therapeutic effect, endowing the same properties with the tissues of animals eating these medicinal herbs.



For 900 g of tenderloin:

  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ghee;
  • pepper, salt.


In the lumbar region under the spine of elk and other large deer, roe deer, there are two longitudinal under-working tender muscles belonging to the highest grade of meat called clippings or fillet... Remove the tenderloin from the tendons (films), cut across the muscle fibers into pieces about 3 cm weighing about 150 g, beat lightly and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. If you are underweight, use the softest muscles from the inner thigh. Then fry in a greased hot skillet 15 minutes... For lovers of steak with blood, it is fried only 8-10 minutes so that bloody juice is preserved in the thickness of the piece. As a side dish serve grated horseradish, green peas, fried potato sticks or other side dish.


The next elk dish will not leave you indifferent, because it is impossible to resist the temptation of a deliciously cooked steak!



For 1 kg of offal:

  • 200 g of meat;
  • 6 glasses of water;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • a pinch of needles;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Jelly is prepared from a moose head as from ordinary offal. Remove the hooves from the legs, cut the bones with a fine file. Add a little pulp to the bones, preferably cervical. As a seasoning, put a bay leaf, you can have a pinch of needles. Serve with mustard.



For 700 g of meat:

  • 400 ml of marinade;
  • 100 g spinach;
  • 50 g pork fat;
  • 200 ml of sauce or 150 g of jam.

For the marinade:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 0.5 liters of vinegar;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2-3 parsley roots;
  • a slice of celery;
  • 10-15 peas of black pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt to taste.


Prepare the marinade... To do this, boil water, add coarsely chopped vegetables, pepper, bay leaf. Cook 5-10 minutes, pour in vinegar, salt and remove from heat. Cool and drain. Stuff large pieces of meat, aged in marinade, with lard and fry in an oven. Cut the finished meat into slices 1-2 per serving, pour over meat juice and serve with fried potatoes, boiled beans, pickled grapes, plums or red cabbage salad. Meat can be served with hot sauce, lingonberry jam or blackcurrant jam.



For 1.5-2 kg of meat:

  • 200 g bacon;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1/2 cup red wine
  • 3 truffles;
  • 1/2 tbsp. spoons of soy paste or boiled soy;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4-5 pcs. carnations;
  • black pepper and herbs;
  • salt.


Knock out a piece of fillet, pour over the marinade (4-5 glasses of vinegar, 6-7 pieces of bay leaves, 30 pieces of black pepper, 30 pieces of juniper berries, 3 onions - boil everything) on the 5-6 hours, chop bacon. Then fry on a skewer until half cooked. Put bacon in the pan (50 g), oil (50 g), onions, lemons without grains, cloves (root), peppers, tarragon, parsley, watercress, green onions. When brown, gradually pour in red wine, a spoonful of vinegar, 2 cups broth, simmer until tender. Pour the sauce over the meat with 3 truffles and 1/2 spoon soy paste or boiled soy. Chopped salted head of red cabbage, fried in 2 tablespoons of oil with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 4-5 cloves, 1/2 cup red table wine. Boil everything and garnish the roast with this side dish.



Serves 4:

  • 600 g of meat of your choice;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • a set of aromatic roots;
  • 1 teaspoon tomato puree;
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper;
  • 5-6 st. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt.


Cut the boneless meat into small pieces, salt and boil in boiling water with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. In the remaining fat, sauté chopped aromatic roots and onions until soft, sprinkle with ground red pepper and add tomato puree. Dissolve the flour in milk and pour in, let it boil and after a few minutes remove from heat. Serve with pasta or potatoes.