Milk mushrooms cooking salty. Salted milk mushrooms in a cold way - a delicious preparation with simple recipes


Breasts are very tasty mushrooms. They are black, yellow or white in color. But they have a specific bitterness, so they are mainly used for salting. There is a huge amount various recipes allowing them to be harvested properly for the winter. Many housewives most often perform salting of milk mushrooms in a hot way. Mushrooms come out crispy and fragrant.

Useful properties and harm

This representative of the genus Milky is considered to be conditionally edible. It is rich in vegetable protein, so it can easily replace meat. Milk mushrooms contain a huge amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, they contain various vitamins:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic and nicotinic acids;
  • tocopherol;
  • thiamine and riboflavin.

People suffering from tuberculosis should add these mushrooms to their diet. It is known that they contain substances that inhibit the pathogenic bacillus. Milk mushrooms also help with kidney failure and urolithiasis. This natural antibiotic is used in the fight against certain pathologies. Due to the presence of a huge amount of vitamins, it is often used in pharmaceuticals.

If cooked incorrectly, the breast can harm the body. It contains milky juice, which can cause poisoning. To destroy toxic substances, the product requires careful processing. That is why such mushrooms are advised to wash and soak well after harvesting.

Milk mushrooms are a very high-calorie product. They are poorly digested in the stomach, because of this, it is not recommended to eat them in in large numbers. With gastritis and intestinal upset, it is also better to abandon the use of mushrooms, since they contain a lot of fiber, which does not benefit everyone.

Preparing for salting

It should be borne in mind that not all dishes are suitable for soaking and further preservation. It is best to use a wooden, enameled or glass container. In a galvanized pan, a reaction may occur, due to which the mushrooms will become unsuitable for food. Also, do not use clay pots for such purposes. After soaking the milk mushrooms, be sure to rinse well.

Hot pickling method

Before proceeding with salting, it is necessary to cut off the legs at the base of the mushrooms (no more than 1 centimeter should remain). During this, they are carefully examined and rotten places are removed. The cap of each mushroom should be thoroughly washed to get rid of dirt and debris.

Large specimens are cut into several pieces depending on size, and small ones are left whole. Then the mushrooms are put in a container, poured with water and slightly salted. They are brought to a boil and kept on fire for another 5 minutes. During cooking, foam is formed, which must be removed. Then all the mushrooms are caught with a slotted spoon. Milk mushrooms are rinsed cold water and put them in a colander to cool them down faster.

Salt is poured into a sterilized jar, a few peppercorns, blackcurrant leaves and dill are added. The first layer of boiled mushrooms is laid out on these ingredients. Then you should repeat everything again. It is recommended to lay the mushrooms quite tightly.

After cooking, a decoction remains, and it is this that is poured into a jar with the ingredients laid out. You will have to wait for some time until all the air is out. When bubbles appear on the surface, you can proceed to rolling, while you should not use metal lids. Banks are cooled and cleaned in a cool place. They must be stored for more than 1 month.

Hot-cooked salted milk mushrooms are very tasty and fragrant. This method is also suitable for pickling dry mushrooms.

Canning black mushrooms

Depending on the region, there are different varieties milky (genus of mushrooms). They are so called for the milky juice that comes out if you cut or break the breast. As for the name, there are versions that it came from the fact that mushrooms grow in a heap (breast) or on a heap. Most of the species can be found under the foliage in the form of heap families. How to pickle milk mushrooms using old and modern recipes so that they are crispy white and fragrant.

Types of mushrooms for conservation

Let's dwell a little on the main types of mushrooms. Based on their characteristics, slightly different approaches and methods of preservation are used, but, in general, they are similar.

Fact. These mushrooms are considered conditionally edible, because they can be eaten not immediately after cleaning, but after preliminary technological processing. The vast majority of them initially bitter taste.

white or real

As the name suggests, it is a white-colored mushroom (with creamy-yellowish patches) with a slimy cap. In Siberia and the Urals, they are also called “raw”, because of the always wet funnel of a shaped hat on a thick, hollow leg inside. Along the edges of the cap are velvety fibers. Bitter milky juice may acquire a yellowish tint. They grow mainly in deciduous forests, birch forests. Considered one of the most delicious (category 1).

aspen mushroom

It looks like a white mushroom, but its leg is thinner. May have, closer to the edge, pinkish spots, no fringe. The pulp is slightly less fleshy, but more dense and dry. Therefore, in salting they are more crispy, they are not recommended to pickle. It is clear that you need to look for them under the aspens.

Yellow breast (pitted, yellow wave)

It resembles white, only its color is different shades of yellow, the presence of small spots on the hat is acceptable. The main habitats are coniferous forests. When it is salted, it has a grayish tint. Initially appearing white milk may acquire a yellowish-gray tint. Rare, tasty mushroom.

Oak mushroom (oak mushroom)

Grows in deciduous forests under oaks, hornbeams, etc. Quite often found in central Russia. The hat is reddish in color, may have protruding rings. By palatability belongs to the second category. The juice is very bitter. Therefore, it requires a fairly long soaking. Milk is white, does not change color.

Skripun (violinist)

This is a mushroom in color with a real mushroom, only without a fringe. Milky juice does not turn yellow. The name is clear, it is a hundred less soft and creaks, if you rub it lightly with your fingers. Suitable only for salting after soaking, it turns out a crispy, tasty mushroom.

Black mushroom, russula

It differs from all other species in shades of flowers, from greenish to brown, blackish. It is characteristic for him that there is no milky juice in it, therefore, bitterness. For this reason, it can be used in the preparation of soups, salads.

Preparing mushrooms for conservation

Before canning milk mushrooms, they need to be prepared.

Preparing mushrooms for the winter:

After harvesting, the mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt;
cut the legs that were in the ground, or clean them well;
then rinse several times;
mushrooms, in which bitter milky juice is present, must be soaked in water.

Regarding the soaking of mushrooms with water from bitterness, each species has its own period. Much in this matter depends on the weather in the region, the place of growth.

Basic rules to follow

Important. Water should not turn sour and stagnate, so it needs to be changed 2, 3 times a day.
It is necessary to drain, slightly pressing the mushrooms, then pour a new portion. The main criterion for the readiness of milk mushrooms for conservation can be considered the disappearance of the taste of bitterness. The easiest way to check this is to try a cut of the mushroom for bitterness by licking with your tongue. If not bitter, then you can preserve.


There are two main methods of preserving mushrooms, they are salted and pickled. Milk mushrooms are of little use for drying, as these are agaric mushrooms. They require additional soaking to remove the milky juice. Even if these are black milk mushrooms (russula), which do not contain bitter milk, they will break, crumble. Therefore, dry milk mushrooms are rarely harvested.

Fact. Meaty, tasty milk mushrooms are well suited for salting.

Methods tested by hostesses (2 main ones):

Salting milk mushrooms in a cold way;
salting milk mushrooms in a hot way.

Important. Using these methods, you can then store the mushrooms in a cold place (cellar, refrigerator, cool balcony, veranda) in food containers. Or they are closed for the winter in jars, but they must also be kept in a cool room.

Cold pickling method

A simple recipe for salting milk mushrooms at home, cold way. Milk mushrooms are not blanched, not boiled. Mushrooms remain fragrant, tasty.

How to salt milk mushrooms, step by step recipe

Each housewife has her own recipes, secrets. You can add different spices, spices, based on taste preferences.


Already soaked, without bitterness, milk mushrooms are washed well again under running water;
transfer, after draining, into a prepared food container. Better not immediately in jars, in a larger bowl, the mushrooms will be salted evenly;
prepare a brine: two, 3 tablespoons of rock salt per liter of water;
let the brine boil, then cool;
pour milk mushrooms, stirring, but carefully so that the mushrooms do not break;
the brine should cover the milk mushrooms;
oppression is placed on top.

Up to 4 days we maintain the container at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. We make sure that the liquid covers the mushrooms, otherwise the upper top layer darkens. You can adjust the salt concentration by tasting. Add or vice versa, dilute with a little boiled cold water if you think they are brackish.

When the mushrooms are salted, you can lay them out in jars. Depending on where the conservation will be stored, they are either rolled up metal lids or covered with plastic.

Advice. If there is a cellar, then plastic is enough, put a sheet of horseradish on top, the brine should cover the mushrooms.

Herbs and spices

The salting method described above is basic recipe. Depending on taste preferences, pickled mushrooms are added:

Dill, parsley;
garlic, onion;
peppercorns, allspice, capsicum;
horseradish root, parsley;
for aroma and characteristic aftertaste, leaves of laurel, blackcurrant, cherry.

Optionally, for lovers of interesting flavor combinations, coriander, Provence herbs, thyme, cilantro, etc.

Advice. All of these ingredients can be added when the pickles are served. In winter, salted milk mushrooms are a great snack, especially with potatoes. It is delicious, especially if they are seasoned with butter, sour cream.

Hot pickling method

According to this recipe, you can cook mushrooms more quickly. If they are covered with metal lids in jars, then they can be stored in a moderately cool place.

Quick pickling method

Proportions per kilogram of milk mushrooms: water (glass), salt (40 grams), onion (1 piece), several pieces of cherry leaves, horseradish leaf, one dill umbrella, several peppercorns.

Clean and wash the mushrooms in cold water, 3 times;
then pour water, leave overnight;
washed again;
add water and bring to a boil, removing the resulting foam;
drained through a colander, washed again;
soak again in cold water for half an hour;
drained, washed again 3 times;
jars are prepared, thoroughly washed, sterilized;
fill jars with spices, put mushrooms on top, chopped onion rings, horseradish leaves on them;
separately boil water with the addition of salt and peppercorns;
fill banks;
for storage reliability, jars with mushrooms can be sterilized for half an hour, then rolled up.

Mushrooms are obtained with a pleasant aroma, crispy.

The second way of salting

Pre-soaked mushrooms are washed;
add a spoonful of salt per kilogram of milk mushrooms. Pour in water, boil (30-40 minutes);
the broth is poured into a container through a colander;
mushrooms are transferred to a saucepan, spices and garlic are added to taste;
pour strained broth;
leave under oppression for a couple of days, gently mixing and tasting, you can slightly salt;
when the mushrooms are salted, they are laid out in clean, sterilized jars;
put a sheet of horseradish on top, cover with a lid.

Note. Often they are interested in how to pickle black milk mushrooms. All the methods described above are suitable, only they can not be soaked for a long time, it is enough to soak them beforehand for about 3 hours before salting.

Marinating milk mushrooms

As a result of marinating mushrooms, a ready-made product for consumption is obtained. Mushrooms with bitterness must first be soaked in the manner described above.

Ingredients, proportions: mushrooms (2 kg), water (2 l), salt (2 tablespoons). Vinegar essence 20 ml is needed. Add a couple of sheets of bay leaf, a few pieces of black pepper, sweet peas, cloves.

The sequence of pickling mushrooms:

After soaking, the mushrooms are thoroughly washed;
first, boil the mushrooms in a liter of water, with the addition of half a tablespoon of salt;
boil for 20 minutes, remove the foam, remove, rinse, let drain;
prepare the marinade: a liter of water, the rest of the salt, add spices at the end;
combine the marinade and milk mushrooms, cook for another quarter of an hour, at the end pour in the essence;
mushrooms are taken out with a slotted spoon, laid out in sterilized jars;
pour marinade, roll up.

In order to increase the term of thermal pasteurization, jars with mushrooms are turned over, then wrapped.

Note. Spicy Recipe, lies in the fact that garlic (1, 2 small cloves) and sugar (1, 2 tablespoons to taste) are additionally added to the mushrooms. The sequence of actions is the same.

These are just a few of the most common recipes. If you ask housewives how to properly preserve milk mushrooms, you will get a different unique recipe. Indeed, subject to certain rules, culinary improvisations are always acceptable.

The mushroom is a fairly common mushroom that has many species. But because of the bitter taste, many mushroom pickers bypass it. But the taste can be corrected if the mushrooms are processed correctly. After that, they become no less valuable than others. They can be cooked fresh or prepared ahead of time. Consider , how to salt milk mushrooms correctly so that they are not bitter and do not change color.

They can be salted raw or slightly boiled. But, regardless of the method of salting, they must be soaked. Otherwise, they will be bitter, and it will be impossible to eat them.

If salted raw, the color does not change, but if boiled, they will darken. If add citric acid when cooked, the color will remain. But it doesn't take long to cook, just a couple of minutes.

Selection and preparation of mushrooms before starting the process

To prepare tasty and high-quality salting from mushrooms, you need to take suitable mushrooms:

  • You should not collect everything in a row, too outdated become rough and tasteless. It is better to leave them in place, let them ripen and give a new crop the next year.
  • Worms should also be discarded immediately in the forest so that they do not take up space in the basket. You can get rid of the larvae, but this is not the main problem of worm mushrooms. When the worms eat them, they begin to deteriorate inside and become dangerous, they can be poisoned.
  • Mushrooms covered with mold should not be taken, they are spoiled.

After going to the forest, the first thing to do is sort out the mushrooms, remove the garbage and, if any, get rid of dubious specimens that accidentally or mistakenly fell into the basket.

Then start soaking. Mushrooms are soaked for at least three days. A little salt is added to the water. Approximately 50 g per liter of water. Make sure that the mushrooms do not float and soak evenly. It is necessary to change the water as often as possible, so the bitterness will go away faster. Before salting, rinse milk mushrooms with clean water several times, preferably under a tap.

Recipes for salting milk mushrooms at home

Salted milk mushrooms have always been popular in Russia. Today, many recipes for their preparation are known, but they are all divided into hot and cold.

hot way

This method includes heat treatment. After the mushrooms have gone through the soaking procedure, they are boiled, then put in glass jars, enameled or wooden utensils and salt.

Milk mushrooms do not cook for long, about 15-20 minutes. At the beginning of cooking, they are on the surface of the water, and then settle to the bottom. At this point, you need to change the water and cook further until they settle again.

For the first time, water can be poured so that it covers the mushrooms to half. They will release their juice and that will be enough. Then pour water so that the mushrooms are covered.

Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, then filter the milk mushrooms and rinse under the tap. Further actions are performed according to the recipe.

cold way

This method is simpler, and the workpiece is more fragrant. Without heat treatment the taste is preserved in full. But before salting, you also need to soak for a long time to remove bitterness.

Recipes are used fast food With various additives. Milk mushrooms are used raw, well soaked and washed. Made with onions, cabbage, garlic and horseradish. And this is not the whole list of ingredients that can be found in these pickles.

Prepared milk mushrooms are folded into a used dish in layers, alternating with spices. Each layer is well salted, salt can not be spared. Before use, they need to be soaked again, but not so long.

From above, they apply a load and remove the container in the cold. A day later, the juice covering the mushrooms should stand out. If this does not happen, you need to increase oppression. Sometimes this does not help, then you still need to salt the mushrooms - it is possible that the salt was not enough or it turned out to be with impurities and did not salt. Over time, the mushrooms settle. You can add new ones to them.

White mushrooms in cabbage leaves

It turns out delicious if you salt milk mushrooms along with cabbage leaves. Both mushrooms and cabbage benefit from this:

  • Both hot salting and cold salting can be used. But hotter is better, so a lot of mushroom juice does not stand out and the brine does not deteriorate.
  • Boiled milk mushrooms are filtered and cooled.
  • It is better to do salting in a wooden barrel, it will turn out more fragrant.
  • Spices and cabbage leaves are laid at the bottom in a thick layer. Pour a layer of mushrooms on top and salt. This is done several times until the entire barrel is filled.
  • Make a brine and pour into a barrel to the brim.

Ingredients required for a ten-liter keg:

  • cabbage leaves - 6 kg;
  • boiled milk mushrooms - 3 kg;
  • salt for brine - 200 g;
  • water - 5 liters.

If desired, cabbage can not be divided into leaves.

Salting with onions

If you pickle milk mushrooms with a lot of onions, you get a ready-made snack. To do this, cut the peeled onion into half rings, and boil the mushrooms. You can not boil, then more time should pass before use.


  • milk mushrooms - 3 kg;
  • onions - 4-5 pieces;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • spices to taste and choice.

Arrange onions and mushrooms in rows in a bowl. Salt and season each row with spices.

Salt in hot brine

According to this recipe, milk mushrooms need to be boiled for 15-20 minutes in water, then strained and dipped in boiling brine and boiled for the same amount. After that, put them in jars, drain the excess brine and pour a little into each jar. vegetable oil to stop the air supply. Close the lid and put in the cellar.

For 1 liter of brine:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • dry spices to taste.

If desired, you can add chopped garlic and horseradish root. But they are added to the mushrooms after cooking and insist a little so that everything is evenly soaked.

in Korean

According to this recipe, milk mushrooms are very fragrant and tasty. Ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 3 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • carrots - half a kilo;
  • seasoning "loin";
  • vegetable oil - 300 ml;
  • vinegar - 200 ml;
  • salt, sugar, garlic, black pepper to taste.

Carrots and onions are fried in oil, mushrooms are boiled. Everything is mixed and left to soak.

Forest crispy barrel milk mushrooms

Since ancient times, mushroom pickers have salted milk mushrooms in wooden barrels. From this they had unusual taste, especially if the barrel is oak. In the villages, such salting can still be found. And, of course, you can get a recipe for how to do it right.

So that the taste of the main ingredient does not deteriorate, you need to pay special attention to the keg. Before use, it must be carefully prepared. If it is new, it is enough to soak it for a couple of days for the boards to swell.

If the barrel has already been used before, it should be soaked for a couple of weeks, changing the water periodically, and then washed thoroughly. Before salting the mushrooms, pour boiling water into the barrel and leave to cool. After all activities, the vessel should not have foreign odors.

You can salt milk mushrooms in a barrel different ways- both cold and hot. It is important to soak the mushrooms well from bitterness before salting. Ingredients for the easiest way:

  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • salt - 0.5 kg;
  • leaves of horseradish and blackcurrant.

Raw or boiled milk mushrooms are laid out in a barrel, sprinkled with salt and shifted with leaves. Raw ones will be more crispy and elastic, boiled ones will be softer.

- Russian mushroom, considered the best for salting. In the West, it is considered inedible due to its pungent, peppery taste. In Slavic countries, they learned to get rid of it by soaking. By nutritional value he is not inferior to boletus, meat and milk, and therefore there are those who want to hunt him. There are several ways to salt it, which are described below.

Rules for salting milk mushrooms

The most difficult thing will be to wash the mushrooms from dust, dirt, spruce branches and grass. You can use a brush for this. All spoiled and unsightly places must be removed and the milk mushrooms soaked in a bowl of cold water. Make sure that the liquid covers the mushrooms, so place a weight on top. Milk mushrooms are soaked for 2-5 days, during which it is necessary to change the water, especially if the room is hot.

How to understand that the mushrooms are ready for pickling - taste the slice. If it is not bitter, you can start harvesting for the winter.

The most important thing is to use ordinary table salt for salting, without adding components that enhance the taste.

It depends on which pickling method you choose and where the mushrooms will be located: in the cellar or at home. Having settled on the cold salting method, it will take 1.5-2 months to wait for ready-made mushrooms. The hot method reduces the period to 30 days.

Salt milk mushrooms in brine should be whole, laying with caps down.

Salt milk mushrooms in a cold way

You can salt milk mushrooms in a cold way in a barrel and in jars. The first option is preferable, because it allows you to enjoy fragrant mushrooms with the aroma of wood and infused according to old Russian recipes. But you can preserve mushrooms in the usual way in jars and open them as needed.

The stages of salting in a barrel:

  1. Place 10 kg of washed and soaked mushrooms in a barrel, mixing with 400 gr. salt, spices, and leaves, cherries and currants. Add 5 cloves of garlic and dill stalks.
  2. The last layer should be with horseradish leaves. Lay sterile gauze on top, on which put a wooden circle and oppression.
  3. Mushrooms should be checked regularly and if mold has formed on the surface, it must be removed, the gauze changed, the circle and oppression processed and returned to its place.
  4. You can try mushrooms in a month, taking them out with sterile gloves.

Stages of salting in banks:

Salt raw milk mushrooms cold way is easy, the main thing is to rinse before serving.

Salt milk mushrooms in a hot way

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way is easier than cold. The advantage of the method is that it is not necessary to soak the mushrooms - it is enough to clean them. When preparing brine for each liter of liquid, use 1-2 tbsp. l. salt, a head of garlic, bay leaves, horseradish, dill seeds and black peppercorns.

Next steps:

  1. Boil mushrooms in water with salt: 2-3 tbsp. l. for a 10 liter pot. Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Prepare a brine by dissolving salt in hot water, adding pepper, Bay leaf and put mushrooms in it. Simmer under the lid for 10 minutes, and then add spices, put oppression and cool.
  3. Remove the container for a week in a cool place. After the expiration date, the mushrooms can be closed in sterilized jars by pouring brine. Use polyethylene lids. Do not forget to add 1 tbsp to each jar. l. vegetable oil. After 21-28 days, milk mushrooms can be tasted.

It is easy to salt dry milk mushrooms in a hot way, and they can “reach condition” earlier than the nominal time.

How to salt yellow milk mushrooms

It is not customary to salt pickled milk mushrooms. When salting, the mushrooms are not boiled, but soaked and, covered with spices and salt, they are closed in jars. When pickling, milk mushrooms are boiled and this significantly increases the safety of the blanks.

Here original recipe cooking yellow mushrooms:

  1. If yellow milk mushrooms got into your basket, then you need to wash them at home, soak them for several days and cut them into pieces.
  2. Of the spices, we only need salt and chopped garlic. Put the container with mushrooms on the fire and salt, adding water. Put salt on the eye, but the water should taste salty.
  3. Remove the foam with a spoon and boil the milk mushrooms for 5 minutes. Take them out with a slotted spoon, mix with garlic and spread over glass containers. Fill with brine, and pour a spoonful of vegetable oil on top. Let cool and cover with plastic or iron screw caps. Remove to refrigerator. You can eat in a couple of days.

You don't need to be a networking genius to learn how to salt milk mushrooms hot and cold for the winter. These mushrooms are white beauties waving their hats in forest clearings.

As practice shows, it is difficult to collect them. When they are young, it is problematic to find. Sometimes it seems that they are playing hide and seek with us. And while mushroom pickers are searching, milk mushrooms make their way to the surface, overcoming a layer of mosses and fallen leaves.

When sorting mushrooms collected in the forest, select strong and small milk mushrooms and pickle them in the way you like. We have considered the technology of hot salting. Now let's talk about the cold method.

It is noteworthy that dry fresh milk mushrooms salt equally. Therefore, I recommend focusing on soaking. The procedure is extremely important. Before salting, clean and rinse the mushrooms well, since it is not necessary to boil. To facilitate the task will help the use of brushes, sponges and brushes.


  • milk mushrooms - 5 kg
  • salt - 500 g
  • dill tubes
  • horseradish leaves
  • currant and cherry leaves
  • garlic


  1. Fold the peeled and washed mushrooms into a glass or enamel bowl. A wide pan, basin or bucket will do.
  2. Fill the mushrooms with water and cover with a large plate. Put oppression on top, then take it to a cool place for three days. Change the water several times daily.
  3. After 72 hours, remove the milk mushrooms from the pan, sprinkle with salt and arrange in containers in which they will be salted.
  4. Between the layers, make a pillow of horseradish and garlic. When the container is full, cover with gauze folded several times. Put the horseradish leaves and the remaining greens on top of the cheesecloth.
  5. Put oppression on the circle, which will hide the mushrooms in the brine.
  6. Take the dishes to the cellar for a month. During this period, watch all the time. The brine should always cover the milk mushrooms. Of course, if you do not want the mushrooms to become moldy.
  7. After the time has elapsed, move the milk mushrooms into jars without rolling up the lids. Store in a cool place.

This salting technology allows you to cook clean and snow-white mushrooms. Based on them, snacks, caviar or salads are prepared.

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

In conclusion, I will add a few words about the benefits and harms of mushrooms. This mushroom grows in Siberia, the Urals, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Very rare in deciduous forests. The European population knows practically nothing about the benefits and harms. As for our country, milk mushrooms are considered the best representatives of the mushroom kingdom. And this is no accident.

The benefits of tasty and fragrant milk mushrooms exceed meat. They contain more protein than animal foods. They are salted and marinated, and eaten with onions and sour cream.

O invaluable benefit known to people with tuberculosis. This mushroom neutralizes the pathogenic bacillus. Regular use helps to get rid of urolithiasis and kidney failure.

This natural antibiotic is used to treat severe diseases. Mushrooms contain many vitamins. They act as a source of riboflavin and thiamine. No wonder they are used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Harm is due to improper preparation. The composition of milk mushrooms includes milky juice, which causes poisoning. Careful processing allows you to remove toxins. That is why mushrooms are recommended to be thoroughly washed and thoroughly soaked at home.

Plus, for a reason high calorie mushrooms are difficult to digest. Experts do not recommend eating a lot of junk food. People suffering from intestinal upset and gastritis know firsthand about the dangers of mushrooms. And the main reason for the bad effect is considered to be sufficient fiber content. It doesn't benefit everyone.